Ananya Says..

(News & Views on Sexual Minorities)

The community members are in a state of confusion about how to exhibit their feelings of frustration, pain, anger, experiences, skills, abilities, and identities. They want to disseminate information about sexual minorities to mainstream society through print media, as they have been working towards establishing a better understanding between sexual minority communities and the mainstream. These communities have been victims of discrimination and are distant from their families, mainstream society, equality, and opportunities. They have been struggling for 15 years to access their rights and entitlements, and various struggles are taking place in different states in the country. The information about their struggles has been limited to some community members only, but they want to expand the dissemination to reach all community members and make the wider society aware of the discrimination and stigma faced by sexual minority communities.

In summary, the community members are determined to use print media as a platform to share information about sexual minorities, their struggles, and the discrimination they face, with the aim of promoting understanding and acceptance in mainstream society. They have faced challenges and obstacles in their efforts but are determined to reach a wider audience and create positive change.